Naming Conventions
- Name the volume group (VG) after the host's unqualified hostname (e.g., "us1").
- Name the logical volumes (LVs) after the VM's unqualified hostname and the partition's role or mountpoint (e.g., "myvm1-swap", "myvm42-home", "myvm7-srv"). As an exception the root partition is named directly corresponding to the VM's unqualified hostname itself (e.g., "myvm42").
Physical Volume Management
$ pvdisplay $ pvscan
$ pvcreate /dev/sdX
Volume Group Management
$ vgdisplay $ vgscan
$ vgcreate
Logical Volume Management
$ lvdisplay
$ lvcreate -L 32G -n stage us1-hdd # /dev/us1-hdd/stage $ lvcreate -L 96G -n stage-hdd us1-hdd # /dev/us1-hdd/stage-hdd $ lvcreate -L 32G -n stage-ssd us1-ssd # /dev/us1-ssd/stage-ssd
$ lvrename us1-hdd oldname newname
$ lvremove /dev/us1-hdd/stage-hdd